The Asset Management Strategy

Castlereagh Macquarie County Council – Weed Control

  • Shows how its asset portfolio will meet the service delivery needs of its community into the future
  • Enables Council’s Asset Management policies to be achieved, and
  • Ensures the integration of Council’s Asset Management with its Long Term Strategic plan

The 2024/25 to 2033/34 Asset Management Strategy will assist the council in meeting the requirements of the National Sustainability Frameworks, and Integrated Planning and Reporting guidelines (IP&R). Local councils in NSW are required to undertake their planning and reporting activities in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and provide services needed by the community in a financially sustainable manner.

The Asset Management Strategy is prepared following a review of Council’s service delivery practices, financial sustainability indicators, asset management maturity, and fit with the council’s vision for the future as outlined in the Community Strategic Plan.  The strategy outlines an asset management improvement plan detailing a program of tasks to be completed and resources required to bring the Council to a minimum ‘core’ level of asset maturity and competence.


2023/24 to2032/33- Asset Management Strategy